Monday, April 29, 2013

Nine: Metamorphasis

09 – Metamorphosis

Francis sighed, only managing a wry smile as his hand toyed with the rim of his wine glass. His blue eyes merely gazed out of the window, watching as Ludwig and Gilbert galloped out of the Spades Kingdom on their horses, determined to make it back to their own as soon as possible. He wished to speak with the silver-haired knight, but after seeing how hurried the twosome were, decided that it could wait until next time. He faced Arthur, lifting a blonde brow, a signal that he desired for the man across him to start speaking. “Well?” he shifted a bit on the seat. “What is it you wish to speak to me about? If it’s something personal, perhaps we should talk about it next time.”


Arthur cleared his throat, not bothering to think of the smallest insult to throw at the man.

“It’s something that has to do with our own Kingdoms…Francis.” The name left a bitter taste in his mouth. “Something I must tell immediately.”


“Hm? Then why not call Antonio and Ludwig back?”


“I’ve already told Ludwig. Antonio, I can owl. I want utmost privacy regarding this topic.” Francis remained quiet. Arthur seemed to be bothered – not because of him, but because of where the conversation was going. He felt that he wouldn’t like it one bit. Arthur rarely stopped pushing his buttons. The green-eyed male looked around the room, and spotting the closed door, he stood and drew the curtains shut. This caused the room to decrease in the amount of light, giving the atmosphere an almost creepy aura. “Francis, have you found a suitable partner?”


“…no,” he admitted. “Not quite. If I did, then I would be more relaxed than the three of you put together. However, here I am. A fool chasing after an empty dream.” His smile turned almost nostalgic. “I am guessing that you have not, as well as Ludwig and my dear friend Antonio.” Arthur released a sigh, sitting back down.




“Well, what of it? The longer I am here with you, the lesser my chances of finding my own Queen. Yao is persistent and asks me to hurry up with the selection.”


“…I have formulated some kind of solution to our problem?”


“Oh? Tell me.”


“It’s not that easy to explain.” Francis cocked a brow.


“Surely not as hard as dragging you away from your own pub.” Arthur flushed and glared, but went on as if Francis didn’t say anything at all.


“Take me seriously, you twit! I’m serious with my words. I have thought of a plan to get rid of our problems so that we may be judged equally when Ivan arrives to inspect us all. Ludwig doesn’t like it, and I can see why – but this is our only choice left, unless any of you can provide a sound and far better idea.”


“Arthur, stop beating around the bush.” The King took a sip from his wine. “And tell me already what has been going on in that head of yours.” Arthur waited until he had Francis’ gaze. At that, he looked the man dead in the eye.


“We should use the four girls to our advantage.”


Francis’ expression was filled with nothing for a moment. Arthur could tell he was registering his words, and out of nowhere, Francis exploded.


“No, Arthur!” his voice was outraged. “I – I wouldn’t expect this from you            !”


“It’s not what you think!” the other snapped back. “We should – we should ask them to help us, to at least do us a favor…we can repay them with whatever they like, but they seem to know nothing about the Flush!”


“This goes against my morals,” Francis spat, taking another drink. “I flirt, yes. I am a charming man, yes. But to force someone – to bribe someone to become my wife just so I can retain my throne – I’d rather give up my Kingdom to the Jokers than ever agree with your disastrous arrangement!” Arthur watched Francis in shock, unable to reply. “This is despicable. It is an insult to me. I can see why Ludwig denied even following it.”


“It’s our only chance left.”


“It will break their trust.”


“I’m not stupid.” Arthur stood, pacing around the room. “I don’t like it as well. But what else do we have left?”


“Something much better than that mess of a plan.” Francis rose. “Yao and I will go back to Diamants in an hour. Thank you for telling me this.” With that, he left.


Arthur didn’t stop him.


Elly slowly walked to the gardens of the castle, having waved off Alfred’s offer to help her around. She told him that she knew where she was going, and that she would probably wind back in the room with Rianne anyway. The usually jolly Knight eyed her for a moment and shrugged, letting her go off. This was good. She needed time to herself to think about what was happening.


It had been two days since they had arrived in the new, strange, but welcoming place. Arthur could be grumpy, but he was nice once he was gotten used to. Alfred was a bundle of energy. Matthew was silent, but overall kind. She hadn’t met anyone else in the kingdom aside from these three, and though the King was accommodating of them, she wished she could go out and actually interact with the people of the land. After all, the Kingdom of Spades wasn’t just composed of the Royal Section.


Just missing out a misplaced stone that would have caused her fall, Elly found a wooden bench that sat in front of a large marble fountain. The sky rumbled and she looked up. The sky was dimming slightly, shifting from a light aqua to a menacing grey. However, rain would not come for a time, she thought, sitting down. That is, unless Arthur was in one of his many moods that for some reason, caused the weather pattern to change drastically.


Her darker blue eyes fixated themselves on the fountain front, watching in mild interest as the water spurted out and soon flowed back. It was shaped like a mermaid, her hair down and wavy, her tail seeming playful as it seemed to flick the air around her. Elly bet that the fountain had been there for a long time – she could see a small crack starting to form around the mermaid’s bust.


She pulled her knees up and hugged them, silently watching the water flow and dance. Her eyes drooped slightly, but snapped open at the sight of something quite peculiar.


She saw a pair of orange wings buzzing around. They were orange up to the middle, slowly fading into a buttery yellow color that reminded her of Arthur’s hair. She could make out the slightest bit of a flower tiara, and for some reason, she called out.


“H-Hey…are you real?”


The buzzing seemed to stop. The being turned its face away from the fountain and looked at Elly. She could hardly believe her eyes – a pixy, right in front of her! She got a clearer view of the small creature, hesitantly holding out her finger. The pixy didn’t seem to notice Elly’s nervousness and gently landed on the girl’s pointer finger, stretching its dainty wings slowly. The pixy seemed about the size of her thumb, wearing a small orange dress that crept up her thigh and reached her knee. Her hair was a cropped blonde.


“You’re that new girl, right?”


Flabbergasted, she could only nod.


“Huh. Well. It’s nice to meet ya, then! What’s your name?”


“Elly. Call me Elly.”


“Elly, eh? That’s a nice name. Well, see you around, Elly!” before she could say anything else, the pixy flew off her finger, and she swore she could hear the smallest trace of giggling as the creature flew away, probably off elsewhere around the Kingdom.


The initial shock of the short encounter wore off quicker than she expected. So the pixies were real, then…she had seen traces of them in the castle, but never really had an actual interaction with them. Leaning back, Elly looked back at the sky. It was still the same color as it was just minutes ago, but seemed to slowly turn back into the calm blue.


“Monitor the city. I have things to attend to.”


With that, Ludwig Beilschmidt left his brother (and head Knight) Gilbert with Elizabeta Hedervary, a known physician who served Herzen. The silver-haired man turned to smirk at the brunette, who merely rolled her eyes and ignored him.


“Well, we should do some scouting around.”


“I’m surprised you didn’t try to harass me yet.”


“Just keep that pan in your pocket and we’ll get along.” The female scoffed, walking.


“I didn’t bring it today, you wiseass.” They walked out of the boundaries of the castle and into the city. Gilbert had to admit, he missed the place, even though he was gone for only a night. “I have something to tell you.” He looked at the woman next to him, who seemed to be her usual self – but was more excited than usual. Elizabeta had her hair down (for once) and was smiling more, and that confused the Knight. She would usually be irritated around him. And he didn’t seem to mind.


“Oh yeah? What is it?”


“Well…” she stopped and looked up. They were in the middle of the pathway to the town. “It’s rather sudden, but I figured you would want to know. We’re sort of friends after all, right?” Gilbert nodded, though felt himself wanting to walk away in slight sadness. There was no hope for he and Elizabeta now – his closest friend was in a relationship with Roderich Edelstein, a heated rival of his. “Gilbert, it’s about –”


A scream.


Both of them looked at each other and sped off to the town, Elizabeta’s news saved until a later time. The twosome ran, Gilbert holding on to his sword and Elizabeta’s hand gripping her own, both of them running at equal speeds. They only seemed to stop upon reaching the Town Square, the people of Herzen staring with a mixture of shock, anger, and disgust on their faces. Some of them backed off, others whispered to each other.


Gilbert felt his skin crawl.


Down on the ground was Vash Zwingli, his cheek bleeding and face bruised. He was held down by a Knight that Gilbert was familiar with, though couldn’t exactly remember his name at the moment. The Knight looked at him and roughly shoved Vash towards him, the man landing by his feet, his wrists bound and a rope around his mouth.


“What’s the big deal?!” he demanded. The Knight – Jerome, he recalled – gave Vash a sneer and picked up something he didn’t quite notice.


“Don’t you remember? This man’s been on the list for numerous crimes.” Beside him, Elizabeta didn’t make a sound. He guessed she was just as shocked as he was. “We bring him to court. Ludwig would want to hear of this.”


A sickening lurch swiped around in Gilbert’s stomach.


The caught…the crime…the guilty.


Numerous cases that remained unsolved.


At this point, Vash had no choice but to turn to the unspeakable.


Gilbert felt sick. Before he knew it, he was running off back to the castle, beads of sweat running down the side of his face. Upon reaching the castle, he spotted Ludwig making his way out, already in gear and the crown on his head. “Lud – wait, you seriously can’t tell me you’re planning to do something to this guy,” he started, but the King stopped and looked at him with a blank expression on his face. “You can put him in jail for all I care and keep in there forever, but that can’t be the only alternative –”


“It’s the only choice I have left.”


He left, leaving his older brother there, crushed and definitely upset. He was made to go to the court and he did, stonily watching as Vash Zwingli was put to the test. Only few had ever been made to leave Herzen for the crimes they did, but Gilbert had only witnessed the change of one that had to go. He was sickened at the act.


The charges had been made, and Vash had to go. Ludwig stepped forward, brandishing his sword. Vash’s tired eyes locked with the King’s, and he bowed his head, willingly accepting what fate had given him this time. It was over. It was done. He had been caught, and a criminal’s fate was the inevitable.


As Ludwig lifted the sword, a scream pierced the whole room.


Everyone stopped and looked at the front, different emotions on their faces.


Lili Zwingli came in, apparently in tears as she couldn’t bear watching her older brother be ridden off just like that. Gilbert liked Lili. She was a sweet girl who tended to the flowers and fruits; he would pass her weekly and silently hope someone would take her in soon. Vash, in reality, had adopted Lili. But after Vash’s constant vanishings, Lili had to take care of herself.


And so she did.


“What are you doing, King Ludwig?!” she tried to take Vash away, but the older male wouldn’t move. “M-My brother is innocent, he didn’t do whatever you charge him off!” the female was in tears, clinging to her older brother and trying to desperately convince Ludwig that her brother was innocent and the trial was a mistake.


She was wrong.


Ludwig knew that. Vash knew that.


Everyone knew it except for her.


“Lili,” sighed Vash, and the girl looked up at him. “Let go.”


“B-But brother…”


“Lili, let go!” his voice was hard. The girl let go of him, biting her lip anxiously. “Listen to me,” he added in a softer tone. “Stay with Elizabeta. Not with that coot Roderich. She will take care of you.”


“No, I won’t! I’m going with you wherever!”


“You don’t understand, Lili.”




The King looked at the younger girl.


“Brother, I want to go. I don’t care if you did anything wrong. I don’t care if you broke the law. You saved me, and I’ll go wherever my big brother goes – this is my payment to him for saving me on that night!” her voice was earnest. “Even…even if it means…”


Vash paled.


Everyone listened on.


“Lili, don’t do this…”


“Even if it means…” she took a deep breath. “Even if it means betraying this Kingdom.”


From that point on, Gilbert Beilschmidt could only see madness.


Arthur stiffened. His eyes opened, and before him was Alfred, watching him with a puzzled look on his face. “Hey, are you okay? You blanked out for a moment.” The King of Spades digested how he felt. It was a mixture of anger, rage, confusion, and sadness. He didn’t know why he even felt this way. His Knight didn’t do anything – what was the big deal all of a sudden? Just as he was about to reply, his green eyes spotted a pixy quickly making its’ way to him, looking panicked.


“Arthur, Arthur!”


The King listened to the pixy, lifting a hand to stop Alfred from talking. He needed to listen to her. Never mind if he looked like a moron. Knowing his Knight, however, he would just think that the King of Spades was just thinking to himself as usual.


“Something terrible just happened in the land of Herzen…” Arthur’s mouth tightened into a thin line. He prayed it wasn’t what he thought. “…there are two of them, Arthur. Two of them were turned. It was just half an hour ago!”


Two new ones.


How many lived in the dark forests of Relisotai?


He couldn’t count. Fifty, a hundred, more than a hundred perhaps?


“It was Vash Zwingli.”


No surprise there. Ludwig was looking for him for a long time.


“Vash Zwingli…and Lili Zwingli.”

Arthur stopped.



Was that the little blonde girl who offered him a fruit during his visit a long time ago?

“Vash and Lili have turned into Jokers. Their genetic alliance to the Kingdom of Herzen has been severed. They have left the Kingdom and departed to Relisotai.”



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