Friday, April 26, 2013

Eight: That Fighting Spirit

08 – That Fighting Spirit

The lady in front of the Joker stood up, wiping the dirt off her outfit. Antonio rushed over to her with a dagger in his hand, pointing it at the Joker, his hand trembling only slightly as his green eyes looked over the said man. “Jasmine, get away from here and leave me to deal with this,” he said lowly to her. The woman scoffed, raising the rake she had dropped beforehand. “I’m serious; it’s dangerous to be in front of such a creature.”

“I’m not a weakling, Antonio.” She replied, meeting the Joker’s obsidian eyes. Averting her attention to the person, she asked, “What are you doing here in Tréboles?” the creature merely gave Jasmine a half-smile, brushing his blonde hair out of his eyes.

“I’m looking for that Spade jerk of jerks. Looks like I’ve wandered into the wrong area.”

“You’re not going anywhere near Spades, or any of the other kingdoms!” snapped Antonio. “And you’re not going to do anything in here, Peter. It’s best that you step out of my kingdom or worse things will happen.” Lifting his hands in the air, Peter stepped back, still wearing the half revealed smile on his fair face. His horns twitched lightly, tail active and seemingly playful as he stepped back step by step.

“What if I leave your place and go back to mine, hm?” Jasmine didn’t bat an eyelash, still aiming the rake at Peter. “You’ve changed, Jasmine.”

“Just get out of the damn place, Peter.” She snapped. The blonde blinked slowly and turned around, running off. Away from the tomatoes and the kingdom he went, into the dark forest and not looking back. Jasmine slowly put the rake down and Antonio tucked the dagger back into his pocket, frowning still.

“I expected him to put up a fight,” he admitted. She merely shook her head. An angry growl came from behind them, and they looked back. Lovino was coming towards them, furious; with a wailing Feliciano behind him, waving his white flag as if there was no tomorrow. The older of the Vargas twins started punching Antonio and screaming his lungs out, yelling things about him letting the Joker escape and being careless as usual.

Jasmine frowned and tied her hair up once more, and Feliciano hid behind her, making a soft ‘ve~’ sound as he watched Antonio try to console Lovino and fail at the same time.

“Lovino, let’s just go back inside,” he tried. The elder twin scowled at Antonio and stomped on his foot, walking off with his arms folded over his chest after. The King howled in pain and clutched at his injured toe, pouting and hopping after Lovino.

“Remind me again why I’m a citizen of this kingdom,” Jasmine sighed. Feliciano giggled, and they both went back to the castle.

“Ludwig.” Said blonde turned around, seeing Arthur standing by him. The King sighed, running a hand through his hair. “The meeting with Ivan. We need to know what it’s about.” The man gave Arthur a look, gently patting the head of his black horse.

“The Flush, obviously.” Arthur stepped forward, looking a little hesitant. Ludwig frowned. Arthur was never like this. As irritable and quick-tempered the man could be he had to admit that the King of Spades was unusually calm as well whenever he needed to be. “Obviously, there’s something on your mind.”

Arthur gave a small, pained smile. “You’ve noticed. Come with me. I…need your opinion on this matter, Ludwig. Before I tell the other Kings of this. Francis would make a scene and Antonio would just jab at the holes of this…plan.”

Ludwig could only nod, and they walked, his horse following faithfully.

“Well, what is it? Spit it out.”

A man with light-colored hair merely smiled, fixing the papers and putting them to his left. In front of him stood three males, much younger, arranged from shortest to tallest. The shortest one had fluffy blonde hair and quivered in his anxiety. The one in the middle had shoulder-length, wavy brown hair that framed his face. The oldest one seemed the calmest, arms folded over his chest. A darker blonde was the color of his bowl-cut styled hair, with large glasses framing his eyes.

The tallest one broke the silence.

“The owl has been sent.”

“Good,” replied the one sitting down, his voice slightly muffled due to the thick scarf around his neck, a portion of it covering his mouth as well. “I hope Ludwig received it.”

“W-We’ll alert you when a r-reply has come,” the shortest one answered, trying to smile. However, it looked like a pained grimace.

“I would like that, Ravis.”

“If that’s all, then we shall leave you be, Ivan, sir.” A cold aura seemed to surround the room, and Ivan’s expression darkened, though a smile still rested on his face.

“Oh? Don’t you want to stay? I’m sure Eduard has things to do, yes, but you three are my favorite companions in this desolate place.” A shiver ran down Eduard’s spine. “How about you, Toris? It would be nice to have some company, for once...”

“N-No, I-Ivan, sir – we’ll leave you be with Yekaterina and Natalia –”

At the mention of ‘Natalia’, Ivan paled, giving time for the three men to scurry out in fear. The door slammed, and Ravis made a small whining noise. Toris sighed, and Eduard dusted the dirt off his suit. “I wish Ivan would stop doing that…”
Secretly, they agreed with the shortest young man.

“That is a foolish and degrading plan!” snapped Ludwig. Arthur cringed and ran a hand through his hair, silently agreeing with the other blonde. “I am not a fan of such games, Arthur. Surely there is something better you can think of aside from…aside from…” Ludwig seemed to run out of words.

“I can’t. There is no possible solution. Also, with little time left, what else can we do?” Arthur took a deep breath before continuing. “I want to retain my throne. I can’t let someone else have it and wreck all the progress and power Spades has gotten so far, in my four year rule.”

“What about me? I’ve been King for a long time. Gilbert is dedicated to his role. I have no interest in letting go of my land just because of a lacking in the requirements of that man.” He sucked in a breath. “I am a man of fairness and righteousness. I cannot do this.”

“It’s your choice, then. I shall tell Antonio and Francis nonetheless. A majority vote is needed, or else we will have no plan at all.”

“It’s not very right.”

“I know that. I will regret this.”

“Then why bother doing something you’ll just regret later on?”

Arthur was silent.

“It’s for the better of my beloved land, Ludwig.”

Antonio walked around his study, pondering about the events of the day. The Joker incident was indeed suspicious, and the jolly man couldn’t help but exhibit paranoia. He was nervous, and he had a good reason for it. Being a King for only a year, talks of the Flush already set him on edge, more so than the other Kings of Cardverse.

“Antonio?” he spun around, seeing Jasmine there with a tray consisting of fruit. He smiled only slightly as he watched her set the tray down on his table and he picked up an apple and took a large bite. Her eyes watched him in uncertainty. “You seem rather down. I’ve noticed it ever since you got back from the Spades…did something happen?”

“It’s nothing you should worry of, dear Jasmine. King talk and such – you know how busy I am, don’t you?” the lady nodded, but kept her eyes on him. “…did Feliciano and Lovino notice?”

“They’re not stupid. They know something is going on around here, and that’s not a good indicator of things that would eventually come.” He sighed, chewing slowly, and took another bite. “…you’ve been skipping out on meals as well.”

“I’m sorry, my friend. Perhaps…perhaps I running for this position was a mistake. Lovino was right – I should have let Morgens handle this…Bella was telling me to think more, but I wanted the best for this place…” Jasmine tsked.

“You can be such a humble man, Antonio.”

“Thank you.”

“That wasn’t a compliment. You’re humble to the point of degrading yourself.” He cringed, and her eyes softened at the sight. “You need to step up your game. Be like Lovino, but not as harsh or brutal.”

“Ah, but I can’t!” Antonio let out a groan. “I can’t be as rough as my little Knight…no matter how much I try. Its human nature for me to be this kind – or at least, part of my own nature…you understand me, do you, Jasmine?”

“Not really.” He frowned. “I’m…trying to, at least.”

“Well, take it this way.” He put the apple back down on the tray. “It’s my spirit that makes me like this. It makes me who I am – the happy man who rules over Tréboles with a smile on his face!” Antonio gazed off, thoughtful. “It makes the people like me. It makes Lovino put up with me. It makes the ladies flock to me –”

He stopped.


“The ladies…” he turned to Jasmine with a large grin. “Set up an owl. I need to talk to Arthur as soon as possible.”

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