Monday, April 29, 2013

Nine: Metamorphasis

09 – Metamorphosis

Francis sighed, only managing a wry smile as his hand toyed with the rim of his wine glass. His blue eyes merely gazed out of the window, watching as Ludwig and Gilbert galloped out of the Spades Kingdom on their horses, determined to make it back to their own as soon as possible. He wished to speak with the silver-haired knight, but after seeing how hurried the twosome were, decided that it could wait until next time. He faced Arthur, lifting a blonde brow, a signal that he desired for the man across him to start speaking. “Well?” he shifted a bit on the seat. “What is it you wish to speak to me about? If it’s something personal, perhaps we should talk about it next time.”


Arthur cleared his throat, not bothering to think of the smallest insult to throw at the man.

“It’s something that has to do with our own Kingdoms…Francis.” The name left a bitter taste in his mouth. “Something I must tell immediately.”


Friday, April 26, 2013

Eight: That Fighting Spirit

08 – That Fighting Spirit

The lady in front of the Joker stood up, wiping the dirt off her outfit. Antonio rushed over to her with a dagger in his hand, pointing it at the Joker, his hand trembling only slightly as his green eyes looked over the said man. “Jasmine, get away from here and leave me to deal with this,” he said lowly to her. The woman scoffed, raising the rake she had dropped beforehand. “I’m serious; it’s dangerous to be in front of such a creature.”

“I’m not a weakling, Antonio.” She replied, meeting the Joker’s obsidian eyes. Averting her attention to the person, she asked, “What are you doing here in TrĂ©boles?” the creature merely gave Jasmine a half-smile, brushing his blonde hair out of his eyes.

“I’m looking for that Spade jerk of jerks. Looks like I’ve wandered into the wrong area.”

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Seven: Gathering Together

07 – Gathering Together

Tricia had no idea why Reese seemed stony, and why Francis had a few bruises on him. So when Matthew asked her about it, she merely shrugged and blinked, confused as well like the half-brother of Alfred, who was teasing Francis about his injuries. Scooping up a piece of toast, she picked her knife and spread butter on it, listening on eagerly at the King of Diamonds and Knight of Spades interact that morning.

“She knows how to aim, and aim well.” Francis remarked, sending Reese a coy smirk. Said woman merely glared at him with flushed cheeks, crossing her arms and looking away. Alfred made a disgusted face, preparing to strike Francis with a nearby paper, which looked totally harmless. “Mademoiselle Reese is fit for the battlefield.”

“Make any more remarks about me, and I’ll give you what you deserve.” She spat. Francis acted like he didn’t hear.

“Feisty, aren’t you? I like that.”