Friday, May 17, 2013

Ten: The Problem of Time

10 – The Problem of Time

“Roderich, are you done dressing up yet?” Elizabeta fixated her eyes towards her fiancĂ©’s room, a small smile curving up her lips as she waited for her beloved. She leaned against the wall of their home, arms folded over her chest and patiently tapping her foot on the ground. An exasperated voice came from the room, but it seemed to be too muffled by the shirt she felt he was sliding on. “Ludwig is waiting, and we don’t want to test his patience, dear.”

“He waits if he has to wait.” Roderich stepped out, grumbling. His fitted white shirt seemed the slightest bit wrinkled, and Elizabeta tsked in disapproval at the sight. She smoothed it down in hopes of removing the wrinkles, but only half of them seemed to fade away. “I think I should go change.”

“No, don’t. That’s already alright enough.” She gave the man a light smile. “I like it.” Despite his current emotion, he couldn’t help but feel adoration for her. She moved closer to him, wrapping her arms around him affectionately, and the musician did the same to her. They stayed in that position for a few minutes until they pulled away, he lacing his fingers into hers. He squeezed lightly.

“Let’s go. It’s going to be quite a walk, unless you want to go by horse.”

“Ride Vienna.” He looked at her. “We have quite an evening set up.” The man rolled his eyes but complied, taking her out of their house and to their white mare, which was patiently waiting for her owner. Soon, they were riding to the castle, her arms wrapped around his waist. Elizabeta watched Roderich silently, looking over the features of his face, her thoughts scattering amongst the wind.

He was a musician in the Kingdom, as well as a Knight, slightly lower ranked than Gilbert was. Roderich Edelstein was one who took pride in his talents, and he was quite well known for his expertise. He would sometimes travel to the different Kingdoms to play, Elizabeta occasionally joining if she were free.

She could remember when they first met, a merry spring five years back. She smiled at the memory.