Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Plot

They didn't expect to land in such a place.
Four girls with little knowledge of this other world stumble into Cardverse, unsure of where to go and how to act. Luckily, the King of Spades decides to accommodate them for the time being...however, with the presence of other Kings and other Kingdoms in the land, it's quite hard to ignore the temptation of venturing elsewhere. 
Herzen, Spades, Diamants, and Treboles. What's so peculiar about these places? 
Moreover, what is this Royal Flush the royalties put so much attention on?
From behind, a crow looks on.

Central Characters

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Marianne Naven: 
The shortest of the foursome. She has green eyes and black hair, and is normally a thoughtful girl. However, she has a nasty temper. If anyone were to get on her bad side, they would have to watch out. Later in the story, Marianne would be the rumored Queen of Herzen. 
Elisa la Cruz: 
A determined young lady with brown hair and blue eyes. Though lightly stubborn throughout, she has a kind heart. Out of the four, she has the most expertise in cooking. In the story, she is rumored to be the fated Queen of Spades. 
Reese la Paz:
Reese doubts the existence of Cardverse, and wants to get back to her home as soon as possible. Her dark brown hair and red eyes make her a standout. She is the logic of the group, though has weak convictions. The rumored Queen of Diamants.
Tricia Amor: 
The most laid-back of the four who likes Cardverse the most. She is interested in the different kingdoms, trying to convince the others that the place isn't so bad. The rumored Queen of Treboles has black hair and yellow eyes.